Ekart is one of the Best solution for Fast delivery by Flipkarts network I have very positive experience with company like flipkart and whenever I was purchasing any product from flipkart it was going out via ekart and they try to deliver products as fast as possible.
I have heard about the issues like they not delivering products as fast compare to others in many city but guys I can say in my Location hare at Bhopal(M.P.) this is only one of the best solution compare to any other.
Yes I have some issue in my second home witch is also in Bhopal city but just because my address or location is not reachable easily but I have very good experience the delivery boys they are trying hard to find you exact location and many time they are doing very excellent job.
Pros & Cons of Ekart
Quick Delivery:-
This is the major part of online shopping because it really make your whole brand Excellent or Worst, For me you services are awesome.
Real Time Tracking details:-
Yes its really works like real time, Almost each and every time I was getting 100% accurate results according to tracker.
Educated or well trained Delivery Boys:-
Guys are really amazing in my location or even I know many guys name like one of guy his name is Jitendra was doing fabulous job in my local area.
Easy Signature & Paper Work:-
Easy and simple Signature procedure through Smartphone or sometimes on paper.
Overall I can say they are really trying hard to deliver quality service working hard all day or even they are working on Sunday well deserving and that is why they are on top in my location.