I took admission for my kid in Ekya ITPL for 2013-2014 academic year. My kid is a very happy and outspoken child and we wanted a good school to nurture the natural talents. From early childhood, the kid always wanted the company of others - irrespective of age and gender and used to go towards others/new people without any shyness or inhibition and start interaction.
My kid has attended a good nursery school before and we were able to see regular positive development in the child. The kid wanted to go to school even on Saturdays in the old school. Even we have got good feedback from teachers. Since Ekya is a new school and lot of seats were there, we decided to admit my kid because only two sessions are there and only 20 kids per class.
Though, the fees were at higher side and reviews were not available, we have decided to take the admission. We have got admission in DPS Sarjapur also, but we thought since there are less kids in Ekya, kids would get a better individual attention and opted for it. As a parent, I expected a reasonably good standard from the school for the fee we pay and to justify their advertisements. My kid is not at all liking the school now ....may be because of some negative things happened to the child in school due to immaturity of teacher and child has become withdrawn and passive. The teacher is not at all mature or properly trained to handle small kids. My disappointment started after seeing first worksheets after around one or two months of starting the session and after a meeting with teacher, I understood our decision was not at all good. In front of me, when kid asked to show how to write 4, the kid who already has learnt all digits in previous school, drew 5 saying it as 5. To my shock, the teachers response was "I have not taught you 5 "!! As a parent, I expected an encouraging reply to my kid . At least it should have been a diplomatic answer instead of a discouraging one. In this early age, getting proper encouragement is very crucial to develop self confidence among children. The worksheets are printout of hand-drawn sheets which is difficult to be understood even by adults. For e.g., the four lines drawn are 1or 2 mm apart and dots given to join lines are not at all visible since dots and lines are of same thickness and black color. The hand-drawn work sheets have one side of A4 size paper has around 10 exercise. If they are saving paper for environment care, it is a valid point.... but I do not feel it is worth for my kid and the money I paid. In the work sheet after 6 months, one exercise is identifying first letter from pictures given which has around 5 pictures. All pictures are of small size and hand drawn and not clear enough. This exercise is in a space half the width of a4 size paper and 4 cm height space and has around 4-5 pictures. The teacher expects kids to be copy cats. For e.g. to identify letter-i, the picture given is ink bottle, and if there were no label written as ink, I doubt if I could identify it though I have seen ink bottles !! When asked my kid told it as bottle and poor child is wrong if b is the letter inferred by the kid!! The teacher is not able to handle 20 kids in the class. Even support staff /aaya are not allowed inside class. Only one teacher and there are no assistant teacher to help the main teacher. Kid is able to complete only half of work book when I asked about the same, teacher told kid is talking most of the time. What I felt is teacher is not able to gain kids attention due to lack of experience. Also the kid has to copy whatever digit/alphabet teacher is written on board. (Their four line work book is same as 4line book for older kids. I am not sure if it is same in other schools like DPS for nursery). I saw some mistakes in writing and when I told the kid what is the mistake at home, the kid is able to rectify it . The same attention and support is lacking from class. I am not sure if there are kids (Admin or other teachers kids or relatives) who get more attention and other kids being neglected or not getting proper attention. I wanted to change the school immediately after the meeting with teacher and since we have paid 90k, have to wait till next academic year. No significant extra curricular activities also so far. It is managements responsibilty to appoint properly trained teachers and enough number of teachers when they are collecting such a huge amount of fee from their customers