Reviewers note: Since this posting, the airline has contacted me, and assured me they are looking into the matter of what happened on that flight. To be fair, lets give them time to appropriately respond.
Putting aside all the positives we know about El AL with regards to their top notch security, we had the most horrible experience on a return flight from Tel Aviv to Toronto. In general EL AL flight attendants are quite unhelpful (beyond their initial "Hello", you get pretty much nothing else from them) However on this flight, they turned our experience into a nightmare by taking away our most basic comforts and then ignoring us for the entire flight. Because a woman in front of us didnt feel so good, the flight attendants decided to blast cold freezing air conditioning on our whole section of the plane for most of the flight. We put on coats, sweaters, scarves, gloves, plus 3 blankets and begged them to warm up the cabin, but they refused. Ive developed bronchitis since arriving back in Toronto, and hold them entirely responsible. They also continually woke us (about 10 times) throughout the night, because for some unknown reason groups of flight attendants needed to loudly speak to the lady in front of us every few minutes all night long waking everyone up around her. The woman wasnt even that sick - I saw her putting on makeup and looking great! but for some reason the El AL flight attendants treated her like a queen and everyone else like they were non-existent. (For instance, pleading with them to stop waking us and speaking lower did not help). They had no regard or compassion for anyone else on the flight. I have written to customer service, but of course have received no reply as of yet. Were still in shock over what happened with El Al, but we cant imagine ever booking another flight with them again (despite Israels airline and all)