Hello everyone
I want to share my personal experience about elanic
Being a seller I joined elanic on aug 2018
And sold more then 1500 products on elanic
Elanic takes 15% commission + Rs. 30 pickup charges from me on sold products
So elanic has made a huge revenue from me
But they dont have any support system for there seller
My 15 products were returned by buyer and courier partner stole them
And they shows the fake delivery to me
Then I asked the elanic for same and asked to show the POD sheet ( proof of delivery)
But more then 4 months passed and sent emails more then 100 times
But no one from elanic care about my problems
I just want to tell that
This company only takes commission and obly generating revenue
They dont care about sellers
They forget that company is running only behalf of sellers
Now I have stopped working with elanic
And if its again happen with others seller
Other seller also leave elanic
And elanic have to shutdown their busy soon