Some people believe that frost free refrigerators are problem makers while many others believe that frost free type is better than the ordinary one. But when you go for a frost free refrigerator, take good care to choose from a good company.
Problems started from the day of purchase. When your wife takes something from the lower cabin her head will definitely hit on the handle of the freezer compartment. It is so sharp and designed to break your head!
The timer of the fridge stops working quite often making it a hot chamber. The freezer will work but everything kept below will be ruined. Within two years I had to change its timer three times. Every time one has to pay for the spare and service charge. Who will bear the cost of those items stored below the freezer?
Even when the fridge is working it is not at all useful to keep things fresh. If you keep vegetables for more than two days it will become rotten. If some not so fleshy vegetables are kept in the lower portion, it becomes quite dry and unusable. It takes a lot of space and power but even the richest persons wont buy it. So go for some other brand if you are looking for a good refrigerator.