I bought Electrolux split AC 10 months back. I was promised 3 free services in first year. Till date no service visit. Lately AC started giving weird noise and that is when the below experience began. The contact number given on their website is invalid. Somehow after contacting the Chroma store I got toll free number which also doesnt work. Then I got a number 012433001212 which finally worked.
I had horrible experience with their executives. I have spoken to Ashwini, Hardeep, Sumit, Ratan, Harihar and many of their executives. Everyone promised me to send someone in a day. But nothing is happening. finally I asked them pune service center number. And the senior executive tells me they dont have updated number. It means they were fooling all this time. I asked him how come all these executives were promising me service when they dont even have pune service center number. he just said he will look into it. Now I know why LG and Samsung are so popular. it is their service which make all the difference. Dont fall prey to electrolux. It is the worst company I have ever come across.
Electrolux service in India is worst. They have no concept of service. I also searched other US forums and it seems their service in US is also the worst. Please dont even think of buying any of their products. If you dont believe, call the above number and experience yourselves. This company is bound to close in 1-2 years.