I am a member of india today book club, so when I got the monthly books
today magazine from this club, I was moved by the comments of the
editor of this magazine who highly recommended this book. so I was
naturally tempted to buy this book. but as soon as I ended up reading
about 150 pages of this book my frustration seemed to start growing
with every page, the back of this book claims this novel to be a
gripping one but I wud say this is too slow novel with very weak
storyline.also u wud find that the protagonist doesnt seems to be
fascinated by sex as mentioned at the back of the cover.although the
pace of the story is ok till 150 pages writer is suceeded to get the
readers involved with the chracter maria. there is no doubt that best
seller of this author the alchemist was great novel and in this
novel too we get the feeling that writer knows how to express in
writing wat is actually felt by human beings, it seems he is a keen
observer of human behaviour.but sometimes he get too philosphical
that we have read the single line more than ten times to know wat
the author really want to convey.i dont think this novel discusses
the sacred sex n love, coz in the end maria was to choose between her
family n her luv.so she was not atall to choose between her profession
that is prostituiton n luv. so we can say the author confuses its
readers at so many instances.it gets very boring after half of the
reading is done. it has also discussed about the bondage sex n I dont
know the logic of putting that in this novel.n reader doesnt feel
attached with the chracters of this novel emotionally as generaly
happens with great novels n films.this book is not worth reading even
if u get it for free.