I bought this Chimny(Model - Elica Glace LTW 60 Power IC Slim) 1 year back and I am regretting as I had to put it off and replaced with average Indian product which is working satisfactorily
This ia a wall mounted type chimney. This kitchen chimneys has 925 m3/hr suction power claims to efficiently remove smoke, make less noise so that you can enjoy cooking and to enable you to make delicious food. It has stainless steel baffle filter for effectively catching the smoke, grease particles and very easy to clean, even clean once a month is more than enough. But thats all only claiming part of it.
Actually the product have a no. of problems like the frequent loosening of the wall mount due to its design, making too much of noise, and loosing the suction efficiency. Also the cleaning of the product is not as simple and easy as claimed as there are access restrictions.
Style is only thing it has got worth buying and that was one of the main driving factor for me to go for this big Italian brand. But surely not design and durability.
Service and support is just on paper and claim purpose. Even the large stores are preferring/advicing to replace it with some additional money instead of repair and complaint resolution.
One must analyze critically before buying this one and also check for online/offline offers for the most appropriate cost as some are providing huge discounts(reason not known to me)