An educational institution is a place where people of different ages gain aneducation, including preschools, childcare, elementary schools, and universities. They provide a variety oflearning environments and learning spaces.
Types of educational institutions
Types of educational institutions include the following:
Early childhood
Elementary school ( grade school) , primary schoolMiddle school ( partly) Comprehensive school
Secondary schoolComprehensive schoolHigh schoolMiddle school ( partly) Upper schoolIndependent school ( UK) Academy ( English school) University-preparatory schoolBoarding schoolGymnasiumHauptschuleRealschule
Further and higher education
CollegeCareer collegeCommunity collegeJunior collegeLiberal arts collegeMadrasahResidential collegeSixth form collegeTechnical college or Institute of TechnologyUniversity collegeGraduate schoolInstitute of technology ( Polytechnic) UniversityCorporate universityInternational universityLocal universityJamiahMedieval universityNizamiyyaPrivate universityPublic university