Im actually not much of a lip colour person, I usually go with lipbalms, but sometimes you need em.
I neened a soft peachy shade and I tried many brands but this one suited me best.
The beat thing about this is, it has lip balm in the centre that means you get colour as well as mosturisation. A person like me who has the driest skin would difinitely love it.
It left a beautiful coat on my lips without leaving them dry and lifeless. It costed mt just ?150. I think its the best deal at this price.I would highly reccomend you this product.
There are many better products in the market for sure, but I can bet no in this price.A product so good with price so low, is definitely a good deal.Trying this product will never be waste of mobey because it is very pocket friendly. v6hrs mosturisation
v4-5 hrs stay
vpocket friendly
Highly reccomended.