Now almost all of us have a hotmail account or had one account at one point of time. I have been using it from its initial years.. and have found it to be good. Here are some of the features which am comparing with other email service like yahoo. with pros and cons of course.
Hotmail being a microsoft product you would be assured of user friendlyness and good graphics. Which it delivers especially after its last update .Especially the buttons and images are pleasant to watch . Yahoo is at almost at par but one step behind.
Hotmail doesnt have the This is spam feature in the email display page. where you can just select multiple msgs and say this is spam. This feature is available in yahoo mail I dont know till what extent it works, the spam pours in anyways. Hotmails new email preview has that feature.. so you wont have to wait long.
Hotmails Filter option is very much effective. Especially if you have selected the Enchanced filtration. Most of the mails are named junk (someuseful ones too ) .
There is one feature which allows you to block a domain , ip or email address.. blocking a domain and ip works 80% of time .
And for the techno savvy people. Hotmail has the Mobile alert feature whenever you get a incoming mail you get a lert on your mobile (available only with orange) it was free till last month this month they r charing Re1 for every msg. A very useful feature if you expect some important mails. Yahoo too has this feature.. but you have to add each email address manually and enter phone number I tried that but I didnt get any msgs.. so I dont know if the yahoo alerts really works.
hotmail has this con of low space only 2mb, and it becomes slow.. if you are using a 56 k internet speeds . otherwise it is ok.
All in all a good experience with hotmail... only if they made strict spamming solutions.