Emami, in collaboration with Activor Corp, USA, herbalists and dermatologists from India, has created a unique fairness cream for men with a breakthrough “Unique 5 Power” Formula to make skin fair and handsome in just 4 weeks.1. Double-strength peptide complex: This wonder molecule patented in the USA effectively penetrates tougher male epidermis to regulate melanin production.
Sunguard: Revolutionary double power sunguards counter overexposure of male skin to sun and protect it from harmful UV rays.
Anti-Bactiplus: Breakthrough anti-bacterial agents actively protect skin against pollution and dark shadows caused by daily shave, nicks, and cuts.
Stressbuster: Sensational nutra-complex relieves stress and fatigue signs. Removes dead cells and rejuvenates skin.
Herbocool: A unique combination of refreshingly cool herbs like Vetiver, Mint, and Liquorice makes skin fair and fresh with a pleasant cooling sensation.