One more product from the Emami stable that could be the quintessential magic kiss that will transform our local toads. Its the choona (pun intended) Emami will apply to the faces (and wallets) of a whole generation of men who suffer from a color complex and indulge in a lot of wishful thinking. I havent used it but I assume it to be the usual drill. Apply every day and in 6-8 weeks (as per the ad) Michael Jackson goes from brown to white without the expensive surgery. If the ad is to be believed, women wont be able to keep their hands of you after this metamorphosis. I am as fair as they come and yet this chick magnetism eludes me. So, I assume that the and Handsome part of the product adds some animal magnetism to get the women hooked.
First off, the whole Indian obsession with fair complexions is stupid. Products like these are a sad testament to how this asinine obssession is fuelled and kept alive to peddle these dubious remedies. I assume that this kind of stuff is definitely getting popular if they found it necessary to have gender specific Fair and .... In fact, I think it is time they rename it to Fair is ... so that all unfair ugly ducklings get the message.
Secondly, this whole new breed of metrosexuality that is polluting good old maledom is frightening. I shudder to imagine the scenario in the loo surrounded by men with vanity bags.
In fact, some might wonder why I am writing a review on a product I have never used and (probably) will never use. I want to rebel against the concept that this product aims to project rather than the product itself.
To paraphrase Henry Ford, If you think you are ugly or you think you are good looking you are right. I would definitely not waste my time, effort and money to satisfy the Emami brigades views of lovely or handsome