Hi, Im not oil applying types and I would go for months without oiling my hair.
Until I experienced Navratna oil in post hair cut, head massage.
I was driving home after days work and dropped by at Hair saloon for quick hair cut. Post which my hair stylist asked if I would like head message with oil, and I agreed. He showed me Navratna oil; said Mr Amitabh Bacchhan is endorsing in TV and I gave my agreement to oil; given that I am great fan of Mr Bacchhan.
Next half hour was bliss. He applied oil and started head massage. I felt my scalp cool, days stresses getting dissolved into the thin. I experienced peace and emerged far more composed after the head massage. This oil was magic. I had never had this experience all my life.
I thanked my hair stylist for introducing this Navratna oil, tipped him generously. I drove back home with cool outlook, relaxed and accomodating of traffic noise and chaos; charateristic of delhis road with thoughts of Mr Bacchhan having endorsed very good product.
Its a ritual with me to have bath after hair cut and shampoo my hair. However this time, I lived with oil for whole night. I had deep sound sleep and it was great experience.
Never in my life had I bought oil, but next day I dropped by at grocery and picked up Himami Navratna Oil.
Guys, I give my highest endorsement to this product. NAVRATNA OIL IS NOT OIL, ITS EXPERIENCE.