To all my fellow air travellers, I will be as honest one can be without bashing this airline unnecessarily. This is from 1999- 2007 from where I have seen emirates evolve from what it was till what it is now. I had boarded my first international flight on 24th Jan 1999 and hoped for it to be fun but it was short-lived till I reached the check in counter and in the way the first time flyers are treated by emirates tells you a lot of how they have been trained. and after that I had the good fortune of trying other airlines since work and my vacations took me places. I would rate singapore airlines the best by far.
The thing that hurts me the most is the guys on emirates are racist and it is so obvious, ok they say indians behave badly and thats why they are treated so, but I would like to add why do u genralise people. apart from that the sector that gives them the most revenue previously was this one because of the huge expat population, but the aircrafts in service here are rickty compared to the ones they send to Hong Kong, London.
After the coming of budget airlines, when i flew emirates i thought to myself im flying budget with a full price.
Though air arabia is not a bad choice. Please my fellow indians dont give your money to snobish emirates who treat you like. After the coming of budget airlines, when i flew emirates i thought to myself im flying budget with a full price.
Though air arabia is not a bad choice. Please my fellow indians. Dont give your money to snobish emirates who treat you like