I would like to complain about Emirates Airlines.
Complain Details :
I book my flight to fly from London Heathrow Airport to Hyderabad City in India. Itenary mentioned below in table.
I made pre-selection of my seats in advance for this trip and got my boarding pass online printed.
To my surprise my reserved seat was allocated to a last minute passenger without my express permission.(This is for Flt No:EK524 I took from Dubai to Hyderabad).
When I arrived at boarding gate I was asked to accept another seat. Which I refuse and inform the ground staff of Emirates Airlines to allocate the seat I reserved.
Ground Duty manager refuse to my plea and said me either I accept or miss my flight. They were very rude and warn me to complain to anyone. As they dont care of consequence..!
After 25mins of debate they off load me from that aircraft which was to depart at 9.45pm. The only next available flight from emirates Airlines from Dubai to Hyderabad was next day at 3.15am. Emirates staff left me on my fate and Throughout that night I was running from pillar to post , had not sleep to seek help... Being a regular flier with Emirates I never counter this kind of situation. It was very embarrsing when they insult me in front of other passenger and I was singled out in this incident as I was lone passenger. They took me for granted.
I had to pay £77 (435 Dihrams) on 7th June 2010 due to incovinence caused by Emirates check in staff and duty manager who off-loaded me from aircraft although I was well in advance at boarding gate to board aircraft. This caused me lot of distress and disappointment. They refuse to help me and finally I had to take emirates 3:15hrs depature to Hyderabad and I was asked to pay differnce amout to ensure remaining sector gets validated.(i.e Hyd(IND) to Heathrow(London).
Again I paid £77 GBP charged to me to change my outward journey date i.e instead of 21st June 2010 I change my return journey to UK on 28th June 2010. I was advised its £50 GBP to change flight outward journey date.Later the ticketing staff said it will be 77 GBP insted of 50 GBP. Reason they charge me 25GBP more because I took differnt flight from Dubai to Hyderabad.(I explained the ticketing staff its not my mistake-Again they refuse to plea).
Due to this inconvience caused. I missed my meeting scheduled on 7th June 2010 at 9am in Hyderabad City and a corporate level esclation was already made to Emirates on this incident as business incurred loss from our clients.
In response to my complain Emirates revert back to me stating they are sorry for what happend and cant help me any further with charges leived on me.
Flt No:
Seat Number
Departure Time
LHR (London Heathrow Airport)
Dubai International Airport
6th June 2010
Dubai International Airport
6th June 2010
Dubai International Airport
28th June 2010
Dubai International Airport
LHR(London Heathrow Airport)
29th June 2010
I lodged complain with https://auc.org.uk/ to help me in getting Justice ! I want my money to be reimbursed which I paid to Emirates for no fault of mine.
Also I want an aplogy letter from Emirates Airlines explaining what action/investigation is done on this incident. As I see no remorse from Emirates on this incident and kind of treatment /service they offer to their customers.
::::::::::::::Will never again fly with Emirates Airlines:::::::::::::::::::::::::::