Idea of Going out to movies with the entire family had made usdouble think about it because recent movies have been either violent orsex flick or both. People have been thronging for a family genre movieand Emttan Mahan satisfies them.
The story is about family values and relationship between a harshfather and his son. Nazzar plays Bharath’s father. Nazzar is very crudein his behaviour with his family and relations. He bashes up his sonfor no mistake of that guy and he is a terror among his family members.Vadivel plays Bharath’s uncle. Bharath wants to marry his cousinGopika. Nazzar has problems with Gopika’s parents and their affaircomes to light when both the parents catch them in intimate action. (Bharath you need to learn the art of kissing! Probably get some lessons from Serial Kisser Emran Hasmi).The rest of the story is how Bharath and Gopika get to marry eachother, come up in life and career and change Nazzar’s attitude.
Vadivel has proved for the first time that he can excel not only asa comedy actor but also in a character role. Excellant performance thatmakes the audience not only laugh but also clap hands. Bharath hasunderplayed his role and fits into the character. Nazzar has done the role of an autocratic father very well. Though not a prominent role, Gopika has done well in the character given to her. Kajala comes in for a briefapearance but does a neat job. Charanya as the mother torn between atyrant husband and a son she loves and her brother Shanmugarajan areapt for the roles.
Music by Vidhyasagar, not a very peppy show but yet fits for the story line. ‘Metti Oli’ serial directorThirumurugan makes his entry into the film world with a bang. He hasindeed underlined his presence and proved he can handle family drama.
I never expected to see such a good movie before entering thetheatre. But it was fast paced movie. Not a single slag at any point ofthe movie. The story line and the movie is down to earth and each andevery cast in the movie have underplayed their roles to give a decentfamily movie. Three cheers to the cast and the crew.