So friends before 6 months started using the Endura Mass and I want to share my experience about Endura Mass with all of you so basically I have seen the advertisement of the Endura Mass that it is good for increasing the weight of body so I have also tried it for entire 6 months and I have also use it but I didnt see any changes in my body and in my weight as it was shown that that you have to take it with the milk and after that your weight will be increased so in the entire 6 months there was nothing a slight change with me as I am getting and Endura Mass 3 times a day so this was a problem with me and this was shown that there is nothing side effect on our body but I cant sleep sleep properly so I have stopped taking Endura Mass because it was also harmful for me and I have also take that Endura Mass in Limited quantity I havent used it in the excess quantity but it has too many side effects on my body so this was my problem that I cant increase my weight and and there are also there quality and flavour present in that and I have used the chocolate flavour but it was nothing like a chocolate flavour it is a testing like another flavour so this was also major problem according to me its contents are not good and it is not good for our health so please use any proper medical treatment for the increase in the weight I didnt think so that Endura Mass is enough to increase the weight of our body