I had to wait/dream for 3 months for this bike to arrive after I booked it - much against the wishes of my father and also the dealer who wanted to sell me an explorer (yuck). It consumed all my time and attention for the next 3 years before I sold it. Oh what fun those days were. I was an instant celebrity. From answering questions as to what is that steel plate (disc brake) on the front wheel - which I used to say was a special horn - to - why is the engine (rubber mounted) shaking everytime I kick started it - to - the special attention I got every time I entered a movie theatre or the other local addas. I had to scrimp to pay for its fuel. I could rant out all the other furys registration numbers in the city of Hyderabad. I am yet to find another bike with the same stellar combinations even to this date.
Only RD 350 had a better pick up.
Pick up - amazing as long as you respect it.
fuel eff. - 25-30 kmpl
mag alloy wheels - first of its class
disc brake - beyond compare
manouevering - better than rd 350 ( 350 lacked good brakes.)
I wish I had retained the bike. I wish enfield makes up for its bad design adventures earlier and reintroduces this.