This is the cheapest controller on the internet. It was the first controller I bought. That time I didnt know much about the controllers so I used it for a month then its analog broke. I thought it happened becayse of mt reckless use but that was nit the case. My friend had the same controller and his analog also broke in like 20 days. The quality of thid controller is very poor. It is not made for heavy gaming. If u want to play a game which does not have much use of the alaog stick then itll last a longer time but thats not the reason why we buy a controller. It is easy to use. You just have to plug it into the usb port and done. But it does not providr many features. As most games are not able to recognize it. It does not have turbo and auto buttons. It does not comes with any warranty and once its analog break, theres no way fixing it. The buttons are harder to press. On the whoke this is not a good controller for any kind of games in which analog stick is used.