We got to know about Eon Education in Bangalore from just dial. Initially, they sent a teacher who seemed knowledgable but was little rude. It was difficult for us to cope with the demand of this so called disciplinirian teacher like super cleanliness of tutoring area, all tutoring note books ready when he arrives, no small papers near by etc. He even once refused to teach the child untill he trimmed nails(which were not that long in the first place).Unable to bear the fussiness of this martinet, we had to go for the replacement of teacher.
Upon our request for the replacement, Eon Educations team was quite prompt in responding to our request. Specialy Tasmia from Eon Education was very helpful. She is not a thorough professional, speaks grammatically incorrect English and sometimes is ambigious. But she got the work done. In a couple of days time, she asked the former teacher(the martinet) to stop and sent a new teacher who is extremely committed and friendly towards the child.
My child is not a great learner.He is more into sports. A student of 9th CBSE, he has been scoring average marks. But this new teacher is being very helpful in all ways. Classes are not going on in the same speed as the former teacher. However the reluctance of the child to study has vanished. My child is willing to seat for study atleast during the tutoring hours. Teacher is also highly flexible. He adjusts according to Abhisheks schedule. If classes are not conducted on certain days, he compensates by coming on weekends or by putting extra hours. Once he also visited my childs school to take the feedback from school teachers. Coordination from Eon Education is very good.
Eon Education sends good teachers. But my suggestion to them is to train the teachers according to their process before sending them for demo classes. Collecting documents alone is not sufficient. Eon Education also need to have dedicated helpline for teachers. For example if the tuition teacher gets stuck in certain problem, it would be good if he can call the Eon Education helpline and get it solved. No time should be wasted in the classroom trying to figure out the solution. Obviously maths problem of 9th CBSE are tough and the tuition teacher cannot be expected to solve them at one shot.
Apart from this I sincerely feel that this tutoring company has added a lot of value for my childs education. I have tried other tuotring companies and I found Eon Education relatively good.