I came to Bangalore to pursue my further studies, side by side I was looking for job only for part time. While surfing net I saw tutor vancancy in EONEducation.I applied for the job there. Though in first place I got a call from institute a little late, yet they provided me tutoring job according to my convenience.
Now its almost 1 and half year of smooth relationship with EON. Every week they call me and ask how the tuitions going on?, whether I took the weekly test or not?, Am I taking classes regularly or not? Though sometimes these questions annoys me yet I answer all these questions patiently as institute also needs to check the progress of student which I understand.
Besides, In this institute I never faced any problem. Here the relationship staff are very caring.They make sure that salaries are get paid on time. They resolve the issues arose between tutor and parents.
Throughout these years of association with EON, I have taken three tutoring assignment from them. Two of them I tutored successfully and 3rd assignment I am still taking.
Thankyou EON for providing me an opportunity to follow my passion for teaching.It is such an amazing feelings to be the part of someones progress. It gives me an immense pleasure to see my student doing great in their academics. Thanks EON.