My neighbours bought this last 4 month they using this now for photocopy shop, they are really happy for his printer
>his paper handling is really good no one paper can be worst in this printer becuase of his good machine capturing capablity, have a great writing shine in the words of senetence in papaer
>the most important thing is that this is very user fiendly printer, you can guess by this that their grandmother copies photo, really its is very user friendly they gave the instruction on their buttone key that how can it will work
service is so proudly by his ink compatible it have amazing features that it used only minimum ink to print & scan the copy & have a backup ink at time of finish the ink
>printing speed is so high as compare to other printer at this price of range & features, its speed is great as it copied 500 copies in a half an hour
>other features is that his backup ink system
>its user friendly & key instruction features
>its low power consume feature