While picking up eragon u should try to take out lord of the rings out of your mind, thats a true master piece written by a great author. Consider eragon a fantasy which is more of a King aurther, dungeons and
dragons story written by a budding genious. Starts good and dark giving us a feeling that it would be more dark book rather than a fantasy. Character build up is slow so one cant judge
appearance of eragon immediately. The shade durjas appearance is also is not explained clearly but we can guess its scary ;)
Still the story starts to build up and becomes interesting once the mark of the dragon rider appears on
eragons hand, personaly I didnt find the bonding between eragon and
saphira the dragon very emotional and strong. still a dragon being
jealos for a human realy captures you sometime.
Rest of the characters are easy to forget except his handler to be the former dragon rider. Some parts of the story are unexplained which would be explained in the next book eldest The best part of the book was the spells. makes you wanna speak some of
them. swordfighting is also good but gets monotonus after sometime.
The beautiful elf is almost down all of the time. greatest character I liked was murtuja. the assasin he found on his journey. Kindof liked him due to his dark past. his capture was very ill explained by the
author. not done justice to him STORY could have been more appealing still its captivating in the middle. final battle is also monotonus dwarves, elves, weapons and magic overshadow the dragon I think still I couldnt stop reading it liked the way the author depicts the journey and the death of eragons handler.