EXTREME WORKPRESSURE: You are OFFICIALLY expected to work during late hours and weekends.
If region writes an phone email, you are expected to come to office and respond to customers queries. Your manager can call you anytime and you are supposed to get started with work.
ZERO ONSITE FOR SOFTWARE ENGINEERS: No onsite in Software Development cell, but only in Network Engineering. Company Policy is NOT EVEN Network Engineers can be at Oniste for more than 6 months.
TOO MUCH Cost Cutting, No Overtime unless you work extra hours for 1 WEEK IN CONTINUATION. Salary hike max 6-7%.
Take whatever salary you can at the time of joining, there are absolutely no salary hikes once you join the company. Second variable component is NEVER practically released, and only part of first variable component in salary (is renamed) and released as additional secondary variable component. NEVER JOIN on ANYTHING less than 30% because once you join, there is no such thing as a salary hike.
Very old technologies and versions used, this is because projects are for 5 years contracts. "No means whatsoever" of shifting to another account.
Manager can devastate your career at will and HR cell is FLIMSY and 200% Outsourced, mostly with little clue of day to day workings.
Too many documents to be made for even tiniest piece of work. ZERO TRAINING Sessions/manager doesnt allows you to attend any training sessions.
There is NO Work Culture, ZERO Project Management, Managers OPENLY Blackmail Employees, TOO MUCH COST-CUTTING.