Dear Friends,
My previous employer was Ericsson India Pvt. Ltd. basically I want to tell you 1st thing that they hire 90% of their staff from third party it means off-roll and only 10% of their staff is on on-roll system.
they provide all the facility to their on-roll staff but very less facility to off-roll staff except working environment.
work pressure on of-roll staff is very high especially in operation department and really most of member of this staff forgot about his family value and they will always tries but never able to give time to their family and salary compensation is not so good.
Only On-roll staff enjoying their life and able to give time to their family member becoz they have less work pressure.
If you works on off-roll then everyone is standing to take yours.
So if you guys try to choose Ericsson just choose only for on-roll not off-roll.