I have been to essel world more thn 4 times with family and with friends. Easel world is located in Gorai. from Gorai you have to go through ferryboat.
My experience on essel world rides. Thunder is Essel world famous ride.
Before you go for this ride just remove all your stuff from your pockets If you like water ride then Aqua ride is for you its takes you into good water splash and make you all wet. Cup n saucer you can enjoy this ride with family and friends. Monster This ride is favorite of many. My nephew like this ride so much he went twice. 5.ENTERPRISE - This one is a bit scary.separate cabin for each person.and it also goes 360 degree! I got bit scared here.;)
but not to be missed. Dashung car is one of my favorite, its fun but for very minimum time. Rainbow is too good goes on a very high height and you can enjoy entire essel world. Many more rides and attraction you can enjoy at essel world.
Merry go round
Bhoot bangla
Ice skating
Rain dance
And many more. Good place to enjoy with friends, family young, old and kids.