I would like to tell that if you want to give your laptop or any other system for the repair to Etechies better put it in E-waste because thats what your system is going to be at the end of the journey. I was the victim for the recent tragedy that happened there is no proper follow up from them, I had to call and get the status of my laptop, initially they told that the laptop would be ready by 7 to 10 days, but after a month also they were not able to keep up their words.
I had to hard follow up with them for the laptop, I thought ok somehow they have repaired let me see what they done, to my shock when the person came to deliver the laptop the display was damaged and laptop was completely damaged which was fit for E waste.
When I checked with Srinivas, Banaglore branch for the reason, he just told sir you send the laptop lets check and you complaint where ever u want, this was the reply I got.
So now there is an end for all this crap, false and fraud what they have done. I have decided to file a complaint in the consumer court for cheating me and damaging my laptop which has become completely unusable now.
So my humble request is go to the company service showroom, where you find costly but work is done to the satisfaction.
Dont believe this modern day cheaters and fraudsters who cheat consumers in this way.