I come from the same industry and have gone through every word of the entire book and still wondering as to what is it that the author has intended to do in the book. Also the authors self understanding about mobile phone security is superficial.
There is no hack on mobile phone, there are hacks on bluetooth, bluejacking and similar techniques. In the entire book not even 1 example the author claims to work as per the steps mentioned by the author. And each one of them associates itself with zillions of reasons which could have been resolved rather tailored to make I t more readable.
On the last page, there are 4~5 differences mentioned on CDMA/GSM. And any sensible person with a fair technology understanding might start start questioning himself (and thats what I also did).
There is a website dedicated to the stuff a.k.a. astalavista (cant write the entire path due to the writing guidelines) from which most of hacks have been copied. And maybe tested and copied. But the author has done so many mistakes that makes me wonder if the book was ever proof read before it actually came to the market.