Here I would like to share my views about ehiopian airline. I mostly travell from ethiopian airline from india to west africa. I love to travell in this airline. Ticket charges is not high like other airlines. Customer service is gud as all staff member are always ready for help.when I travell first time in ethiopian I dont know about bording ets . The staff members they treated me well and provide me all valuable information.just one this I dont like is is not tasty.but staff member comes every 30 min for asking if passenger need some thing.seats are very comfortable.they guide us how you use things in emergecy.last year I miss my flight from adis ababa to togo.airline provid me 5 star hotel with food. They provide me transport from airport to was great experiance for me. And they provide blanket and water.there is also tv sacreen in front of your seat. You can enjoy music and movies while travelling.