I wish to share my bad experience with Etihad Airline. I have taken round-trip ticket between Frankfurt and New Delhi. Due to some unavoidable circumstances, I can not able to fly back on scheduled date. I went to Etihad Delhi office around 20 days before and asked for date change. I was ready to fly back on any date after scheduled date even with next flight. They told me in a very rude manner that my ticket validity is only 6 more days after my scheduled date and our flights are booked till that time. I talked with my travel agent in Germany and he changed my date after talking with Etihad office in Germany. For date change, I have to pay 50 Euro at Delhi Airport. I send all these details of my flight and extra charges (50 euro) to Germany office of Etihad for confirmation. THEY CONFIRMED MY DATE CHANGE. On a day before my flight, I send another email to Germany Etihad office for re-confirmation of flight. THEY RECONFIRMED MY FLIGHTS. After few hours, I received a call from Bombay Etihad office that I have to pay 50 Euro at Delhi office before going to Airport. She told me that they don’t have arrangement at Delhi airport to accept cash (which was lie). I missed an important appointment and went to Delhi office to pay 50 Euro, which was around 2 hr drive from my residence. In Delhi office, they told me that they don’t have any information for my date change and I can not fly tomorrow. I was completely shocked. I showed all emails of confirmation and re-confirmation of flights from Etihad office in Germany and also forwarded copy to them. Their behaviors was very rude and not taken much pain to solve confusion between their offices. Even they not helped me to use internet to excess my emails for taking printout of confirmation and reconfirmation which they were demanding from me. I have to search some internet cafe outside and taken print out and send emails to Etihad office in Germany. After showing these emails, they told me that they can not trust these emails because they can be created artificially. My return was urgent; therefore I have to bear that insult. If they were good computer literates, I can prove at the same time that these emails are generated from IP addresses of Etihad computers in Germany. But they were not interested. They were defending themselves according to rules and regulation of Etihad instead to sort out my problem. My travel agent from Germany called them to convince, after that they advised me to go airport and talk with airport manger of Etihad. They informed airport manager about my case 24 hours before my flight. I went to airport next day and manager has not taken any pain to solve this confusion between their offices in 24 hr time which he had, and asked me to take fresh ticket between New Delhi and Frankfurt. At least, his behavior was not bad like Delhi office people. My return was urgent; therefore I HAVE TO PAY RS. 20, 000 (~400 EURO) AT AIRPORT FOR THE MISTAKE OF ETIHAD. Now, after coming back I talked with many people of Etihad for refund of my fare. By some efforts, they get ready to refund my second time charged fare. That gives some relief. But, I have to pass through lot of mental tension and physical trouble from two days before my flight till I get confirmation of refund. I have to spent lot of my work time to solve this problem. Behavior and efficiency of Germany office was much better than Delhi office. It was unforgettable experience, especially the horrible experience of Delhi office.