A few months ago I ordered some bags and a belt for my Eureka vacuum, using the online ordering services. A month after I placed my order, I received an email letting me know that my order had shipped. I called customer service, as I was very upset that I was paying all those shipping costs, but was not going to receive my product for two months after ordering. I asked for a refund on my shipping and the lady told me that not only would I receive a refund on my shipping, but I would actually receive a complete refund on my order. I was over the moon and thought that Eureka had the best customer service Id ever encountered. Until I never received a confirmation email. I called several times to find out when and how I would receive my refund, reaching different representatives who each told me that the system was backed up and I would receive it soon. At one point, I spoke to a representative who told me that I should never have trusted the website to begin with, as it didnt even have current product availability information on it.
Weeks pass and I call again, very upset this time, demanding answers. Thats when a representative told me that I was not getting a refund for ANYTHING unless I sent the products back. I asked to speak to a manager who called me the next day and asked to hear my story. I told her everything: all the frustration, the misleading, the ridiculous service I had been given. She promised to speak to her supervisors and called the next day letting me know that the supervisors had told her to give me NOTHING. I asked her if six or seven dollars in shipping was really worth all the Eureka products I would never be buying again; if it was really worth how angry a paying customer would be about this awful service. She said she didnt know. She said she guessed so.
I hope as many people read this as possible so you know to avoid Eureka customer service at any cost. A company that will take thousands of dollars from consumers, but will not work with them on a measley shipping cost is not a company that is worth anything but corporate greed. I will never do business with this company again and Im strongly considering getting rid of my Eureka vacuum. Ive never been so angry and frustrated in my life. This is truly a case of being rolled over by an uncaring, unsympathetic, greedy, ungrateful company. Im just one consumer and I dont matter if they have thousands of other consumers. I have never felt so used in my life.
Thank you for listening and please take it to heart. If a company can dismiss one person over a few dollars, when Ive already given them hundreds for this vacuum and other products, then who knows what theyll do next.
Martha Nurre