Please find my previous mail in-connection with the unfriendly behaviour of the the Vigneswara Agencies, Khammam. As they have not turned up, on 22 Oct2014 I personally handed over the item in their office and after about one week of waiting and no response from their end, my wife rang up and asked Mr. Vasantha Rao about the item. He said that he is trying to get it rectified and we may have to bare the transportation charges of the item and he would let us know at the earliest.
Since there is no information from his side, I went to the office on 22 Nov 2014 and asked him about the vacuum cleaners status. He said that it has been repaired and ready to take and asked me to pay an amount of Rs.1, 000.00(Rupees one thousand only) towards repair charges. On asking him the reason, he said that he had already informed to my wife where as my wife said that he didnt say about paying repair charges. More over he started blaming me & my wife stating that we are liars. Its quite disgusting to have such a horrifying experience with that type of personnel in your organization.
My Vacuum cleaner is still in the office of Vigneswara Agencies, Khammam it-self. They didnt bother to contact us even after getting the item repaired. On reaching the office and inquiring, asking for the money is ridiculous! Even after coming back home and complaining in your web site, waiting for four days, not taking positive step towards resolving the problem, doesnt speak well.Serial No:10112076341019034