I am having aquaflow for more than five/six years. Some one recommended to go for AMC and I chose it. After shifting my residence to nearby area I requested many time to them for reinstallation. I requested over their toll free number. I called on local numbers. At last personally I went to KR Puram branch. But till today there is no response.
Once I wanted to talk over phone to manager at KR Puram. But I was made to wait on phone for more than 15 minutes. If I wished to meet him in person, he was busy. If I wished to talk on phone they refused to connect or no one responded. I can not refer here the conversation took place between me and front office of KR Puram branch. When we go in person to request, they will nicely turn you back.
When any new sales person comes, he says sorry and says he will forward our request. But unfortunately till today nobody has come to enquire.
These are the same people who will give promise of moon when we ask about post sale service. And we listen to them.
It is good thing that customer has many options today. Those days we had very few options to choose from. Manufacturers should keep this in their mind. Days of monopoly are over. Even customer is matured now. He knows that it is better forget this dead investment and go for some other product. Question remains how to take care of this dead investment? But this when we remember Customer is KING. He knows how to educate others to avoid dead investment.