Friends I just want to share My bitter experience with all of you who is Planning to Buy EUREKA FORBES Water Purifiers
I Brought this product 10 days ago. From the 2 nd day onwards we have noticed bad smell, bad colour and some dust particles in the water.
When we call the Tech Guy who installed the product, he was told that first 25 to 30 liters u will see these kind of things. But after that still we are facing the same issue.
We called their call center 3988 3333 and logged a complaint at that movement they informed that with in 24 to 48 hrs our problem will be resolved. After 4 days also still we have not received any response from the Company. Today when we call their call center we had a very bitter experience. We will try to resolve the call.
Even After 96 hrs still they are trying to resolve and no ETA / no sorry for the trouble. Now I really had a doubt on the Quality of the Product and service.