My grouse is not towards the product(Aquaguard Total Protec+) but towards the pathetic aftersales service - if you can actually call it one.
The customer care centre executives are downright rude, if not callous. They keep telling you that - yes, your request is still lying open with us - well deifinitely escalate and make sure this is closed today without fail etc etc.all words and no action.
Initially I thought this was only with me but a casual google search yielded a host of others who are in the same boat as I am.
id bought a vacuum cleaner also a few weeks back from EF and now am wondering whatll happen to the life-long free service they promised along with it!
Huge regrets for having ever purchased from these guys. Theyll be behind you till sales are made and then drop you like a hot potato - not remembering that this might not be a great strategy in the long run.
For one, Ill be recommending in the Resident association meeting of our flat to bar any of EF sales persons from entering our apartment premises.
There are still more than 100 flats that are getting occupied in the coming few weeks and we do not want them also to be conned by these crooks.