Well it has been since the ages that we have eureka in our home we have it from the time when I was a child I remember back in the day when my mom used to fill my water bottle before packing my bag for the school.
Well the product is very easy to use as when I grew up enough to reach the kitchen cabinet where it was kept even I can back in the day can easily use it to fill my water bottle, regarding durablity never remember of any breakdown on the product, not will say easy to clean as we have a mainntainance man for it.
We even now has the product in our store room as a backup option if our regular purifier fails to deliver, although was not using it but has moved on to its newest model of the product but we have never any trouble with it well it would be wrong to say that we didnt need to maintain the product but yes if regular service are regularly done on it then the product would nail it.