Thank you thank you very much mouth shut .com you gave me an opportunity to deliver my 10 years MAN KI BAT about EUREKA FORBES CLLASIC WATER FILTER.
A repesentative of Eureka Forbes came to my home with one of my friends reference and request us to install this doctor of water .Though it cost round about?6500 in 2006.At that time which was good one.we agreee to purchase it.We are actually in need of some water purifier in our area as the water is contaminated by content of much more iron and germs.we often suffered from stomach problem Doctor advice to boil the water for my little son it is matter of health.
So I decide to use it .surprisingly all problem related to water decreased.Even we try to cook with the aquwaguards water.It has a pump inside it which sucks water from a source of water then it goes to the water purifier candle where dust and the material departed then it comes to carbon chamber where other zerms are killed to protect my family . So a great job and selection by me to choose Aquwaguard