Water is such an important commodity. We can live without anything on planet earth but water. The human body itself consists of 25% water. One may live without food for several days but not without water. On an average, we intake approximately 2.5 litres of water a day. This may be in the form of water or beverages we drink or in the food we eat. But rather unfortunately, the water we consume can be polluted.
Polluted water may look clean and even taste okay, but it may contain germs and other impurities that cause water borne diseases. We all know that, bacteria and viruses are the known carriers of such dreaded diseases. Since bacteria flourish in warm, humid climate, the summer and monsoon months are particularly dangerous in a tropical country like ours. What is more alarming is that, since these germs are microscopic, it is impossible to tell whether bacteria and viruses are present in our drinking water.
This hidden threat to the health of your family makes it imperative to ensure that the water we drink is safe and clean. Although there are many methods of water purification like Boiling, Filtration, Tap Attachments and Chemical Treatment. But I see that none of them are efficient in cleaning up all the germs. Moreover some methods are not practical for homely purpose. The best way to get clean germ-free water at home is by having a water purifier. Definitely, a water purifier works wonders. At least at my home. We have an “Aquaguard” and it is a big pleasure to express my opinions on this product.
The AQUAGUARD is a marvel of high technology, and it basically works on the principle of ultraviolet treatment. The water purifier has 4 major components.
1. The Prefilter: This is the first hurdle for incoming water. Water first passes through the pre-filter, which incorporates a specially developed multi-layered cartridge, which strains out physical impurities present in the water, such as dust, dirt and mud. So the prefilter works as a dirt separator and leaves out a relatively particulate-matter-less water.
2. Activated Carbon: The water coming form the prefilter passes through this specially treated activated carbon which reduces colour, odour, organic impurities and free gases like Chlorine.
3. The UV Chamber: The water then moves into a separate Ultraviolet Chamber where it is subjected to the ultra violet treatment which has been documented as a proven method for eliminating water-borne disease causing bacteria and viruses. In fact Aquaguard’s ultraviolet germicidal dosage, even at its lowest is 1.2 times of that required to destroy all known, water-borne disease causing organisms.
4. Electronic Monitoring System: This monitors the purification process and stops the flow of water immediately if the level of purification is inadequate.
Thus, Aquaguard is designed to be a fail-safe mechanism of ensuring clear, bacteriologically safe drinking water.
The Aquaguard Advantage: This water purifier is effective in destroying know microscopic bacteria and viruses by UV Treatment. Unlike boiling, it avoids recontamination of water by purifying it just before we drink it. More so, purification is done without any chemicals. The purifier retains important natural salts and minerals in the water. What more? It is time saving, convenient, reliable, economical and is built with superior electronics and even has a built-in-voltage stabilizer.
Maintaining Aquaguard: Any asset should be looked after well. If you follow some golden rules, one can certainly get the best out of the water purifier.
Firstly dirt and cockroaches should be kept away. The key word is cleanliness. Keeping the spout clean and closed with the cap provided is very much necessary. The pre-filter should be regularly backflushed to increase candle life. At every routine service, the Activated Carbon should be cleaned. Always ensure proper working of the water purifier.
Final Thoughts: For those of you who fear that water from a water purifier would have lost its mineral value, just don’t worry. Kick the thought out of your mind. It is always preferable to drink water from a purifier. After all, health is wealth and clean water is so important for a healthy life. So, I would suggest that you go for this product, because, it is Aquaguard that provides pure, germ-free water for sure.