Hello first time buyers of Eureka Forbes Water purifier. I have purchased Water Purifier, even after reading the reviews as I thought at times lot of other factors also comes into picture when you buy a product & mostly it is a one sided view which we come to know here, however I thought I may not face a similar challenge, but I did face it.
Most of them who have already stated their harrowing experience with post sales customer service. I thought I could share my experience with you. I was told that if I make a full online payment then, I would be able to get Water Bottle Purifier absolutely free & As I was not receiving any cash discounts, I plumped for Eureka Forbes water purifier. I purchased product on 16th July 2014 & have 4 customer calls & still have not received my freebie which was promised. It has been a gut wrenching experience with Eureka Forbes. In-fact when I called up the call center, they told me that they have raised issue to the concern department & to my surprise, the lady who picked up my first call mentioned that we do not follow ticket System & therefore she wouldnt be able to share any ticket number. I raised it & I was told that Someone from the Back end team would reach out to me & it continued for 4 calls & at last I told them to share the ticket number & the guy(Harish) mentioned to me that I can call them back at 4.00 PM for ticket number, As I was furious, I continued to ask for Ticket number & they finally gave me the ticket number. But to my surprise nothing happened to that ticket number. Even these call center guys are not even trained to have basic gestures they should hold while talking to customer. While I was speaking the guy put me on music & they dont even ask, whether they can put my call on hold. I have never seen such a terrible service by any Service provider in so many years. In fact we have purchased Eureka Forbes water purifier long back & now the services are awful because of poor hiring, no training programs. Their Operational Managers & HR Head should be fired in one go for not having systems & process in place.
New Buyers Pls note, when you raise a concern, Ask for a Ticket number, else they would not share it with you which I think is important to register your complain at the first place.
I was planning to buy vacuum cleaner, but looking at their pathetic post sale service, I would not go ahead with any Eureka Forbes product. If you want to raise complain, Search for their Senior People in LinkedIn & raise your concern with them. In fact they are not even aware of these problems which is moreover an operational issues & they dont even pitch in to get into details which is leading them to de-brand their product in the market and these call center employees just add up more to poor sales for their own product. Such people shall be fired in one go but poor organisations wouldnt understand these operational inefficiency. Anyways I would not recommend you to buy Eureka Forbes products, until you know you can manage without post sale service teams. I have not yet got my freebie and today is 9th Sep 2014. I am not hopeful about it anymore.