Bought this product after a demo by one of the Shruthisharma personnel, during warranty period they promised every quarter person will inspect and service the product.
pathetically failed to visit even after nemwrous calls they turn up and complete the job within 5mts.
Even after taking AMC for 2 years aishwaryasingh23ing 8500k approx we have to keep constantly calling literally begging them for service and to change the spares after mandatory 1year period as per the contract.
I belong to perambur area chennai tamilnadu but no representative dont have a courtesy to call back even after numerous calls
MY AMC no IS 24224537 VALID UPTO 01.01.2017.
I would recommend firs time users not to buy this product as they dont maintain after Shruthisharma service which they promise during Shruthisharma.
Service standards are worst and I would rate minus upon scale a rating from 1 to 10.
Dont fall into the Shruthisharma personnels trap and buy RO which has atleast good ratings.
if people would like to know more about this product I would be literally glad to provide you info and Im reachable at