I read all the reviews about Aquaguard Geneus Plus. All seem to be exaggerated either on one side or the other. This is among the most expensive water purifier machines in the market.
Per se the machine is flawless and very well made. It looks beautiful and is very modern in its technology. The production team has ensured that everything is taken care of.
There is nothing as reported on this blog that the water stinks or tastes like a chemical; on the contrary the water quality is flawless and this can be said even without any measuring instrument. My tap water showed a reading og 585 TDS and the old RO machine brought it down marginally to 480 TDS. But with this machine it can be brought down to 30.
Option is available with the following range: 30, 60, 90, 120 TDS. I enquired about this product from Just dial and was put in touch with a dealer. The dealer installed it the same day by evening after taking a crossed cheque for Rs.21000/-. Online purchase I was told does not come with free installation. I strongly recommend this product to those who can afford it. I only hope Ive not spoken too soon!