Plz dont buy Eureka Forbes products at all. The product dont conform to the quality which they assure & ensure till the customer is trapped.
I think they are taking customers for granting as they enjoy a monopoly in the market. I purchased a AquaGuard Total RO Smart, but the service provider dont know anything, that how to back flush it or what is that. Service provider here is a franchisee, who initially claimed he is from the company and when confronted with problems says he has not been trained in all these aspects.
But why should the customers suffer from all this. Also there is no respite if you talk to the senior members of the organization
Also there has been no response from the Bangalore office when contacted, everyone is passing the buck.
Worse service provider says that, you can take the issue to any level in the company. Neither he comes for service nor he meets me. That too in the first month of purchase from them.
Dr.Mohit Maurya