I purchased this product 2 years back. Also purchase the 1 year contract for the service. When I moved to the new location I called the service desk for reinstalling the purifier. The service request is registered 2 weeks back and I am calling the service helpline almost 2 times daily. Till now no one has turned up. I keep getting the same pre calculated answers. Everytime a new person picks up the call and promises the same thing again. There is no way to escalate the complaint.
I really regret purchasing the product. God knows when this product will improve. I surprised whether stakeholder in this product are really concerned about customer or not.
Even after investing 2000 rs for the service contract for 1 year I am getting this kind of service. I can imagine what would be happening to the regular customers who are not covered in service contract.
I hope to see Aquaguards monopoly being put to an end by the better products in future.