I would suggest , never to buy their water purifier. They are only interested in sales and not service. The attitude of the people sitting in customer care is horrible. They only tell lies. Will always tell service technician not available.
They only want you to take the AMC. If you are not taking it they will make you visit N number of times till you are fed up. If you give a product for service , they will ensure that it doesnt work when you reach home. So you will have to keep running to them many times. The front office will not allow you to meet the technician too. Even the technicians never visit you after you talk to them.
They will not even take your phone. They will even say some parts are not available now so why dont you try for exchange for new models. I have this experience for the last 8 years. They are never going to improve. They are the biggest cheat company. Kindly avoid them.