I bought the aquaguard celebration series water purifier and want to share my experience with you all....
I was very impressed with the presentation of the product by the salesman. He checked the water flow and said that the machine can give you good flow of clean water.
He took the cheque and just disappeared......
After calling him a number of times and futile enqiery about my aquaguard (the salesman had 101 reason for not delivering my machine) the machine reached my house after a wait of 18 days. Thats not the end of story. It took another 3 days to fit the machine....as the person who delivers the machine dosent fit it, they have a specalist who does that for us.
Atlast after a wait of around 3 weeks I have an Aquaguard in my house, but the flow of water is so slow that it takes 10 min. to fill a 1 ltr bottle.
I like a fool tried calling salesman, help line numbers etc to catch hold of someone who can come and see my machine to check why the water flow is so slow.
After lot of calls, arguments on phones etc... ultimately the area sales manager send a person to check my machine.
Friends thats not end of story...according to him the machine needs a booster to increase the flow of water otherwise be satisfied with the present flow of water. As the purification is slow the waterflow is slow.
My advice to all readers....
1) Dont get fooled by the impressive presentation. Check the water flow from tap if needed buy a booster pump.
2) Dont pay 100% advance, the salesman shall listen to you and return your calls and take proper care to deliver and install the machine only if you owe the money to Co.
3) Get the machine installed and check the waterflow , if satisfied pay him the balance amount.
4) bargain with him there may be some free gift or facility of payment by instalments which he would not disclose to you.
The water is pure and safe to drink, the machine is also compact and nice. The only problem is that it requires a good flow of water in your tap.
all the best..i hope my experience shall be useful to you all.