I WENT IN FOR AN ro SYSTEM AFTER CHECKING THE INITIAL WATER QUALITY AND TASTE OF THE WATER OUTPUT.The product is good , but the people behind it are only banking on the initial sales.
Eureka forbes is a Tata backed company but the kind of response you expect from their company is not forthcoming. The dealers do not respond to your phonecalls anymore. This is the rot setting into our service industry.
As it is, the product is the costliest in its category in the market.
The company seems to believe in the policy of sell and scoot.
If you have problems immediately after installation, then you have had it.
So, make sure you got the right product before making the complete payments.
I bought mine two months back and I havent heard from the salesman or the dealer eversince.
I think they will resurface before the next AMC is due to collect the cheque.So much for the Tata product backing.
Madhur( 13/11/05).