The after sales service is poor. If you buy it, forget the service. They will make promises until your payment for the product is received. They will turn up only next year for renewal of contract. Until then you will see no sign of them That is Eureka Forbes. Buy it only to suffer.
I have personally faced lot of problems and would recommend that others do not go for this product. The product may function but water purifiers require periodic cleaning. So you will continue to drink contaminated water due to poor service provided by the Company.
Even the after sales service contracts do not have a meaning. The franchisee will keep changing their telephone numbers without intimating you and you will be left with no choice but to wait for them to turn up during the renewal of contract.
I faced similar problems with the vacuum cleaner, but not so much since vacuum cleaners do not require periodic servicing. The issue is with the Company and I am sure about that.