I bought EFs product, Nova, about 4 years back. would have used it just for a few months since than....
Immediately after the purchase it stopped working after not so rigourous follow up it got repaired after 2 years. Partly because the area we shifted to was famous for the hard water and we were not confident that EF Nova will be able to handle that water.
Having shifted to another place after one more year, we got it repaired. Can you believe it costed us Rs. 2000/- and alas... it again broke down after 3 months.
Now I have been calling them for last one month but to no use. First complaint was registered on 21/Mar/09 with # 81093169. For the same repair I called the customer care(less) again on 28/Mar/09 and they conveniently update my complaint number as 81120451
Today on 12/April/09 I had to blast them for no show even after several follow ups. They again updated complaint number as 81174919. There was no one responsible on the floor when I called theier 39883333 number. All their supervisors or managers went out somewhere (probably dozing off after a beer or so...)