I purchased Aquagurad enhanced model by eureka forbes on 2 May I paid 14000 rupess by my debit card after that eureka forbes executive give me invoice number 336689 by email my customers id is 8000600282 and my registered mobile number 9772443095 and 982609793
They said we wiil deliver your order in the next 7 working days after 10 days I reminded them but their company executive said your product will reach your local hub today or tomorrow definitely you get your product.
After 3 day I contacted their senior executive person they also said we solve your problem shortly soon you get your product. Again they did nothing n still I did not receive my product. Now daily I call their customer care number 011-39883333 they daily tell me that we try today
I am very disappointed with Eureka forbes I also contacted Anu kotain and marzin shorrf who is the head of company but still I havent received my product please help me.